Design Tips
October 21, 2019

CLIPP and Living in Place Design

Written by
Bella Domicile Team

"All Homes Accessible, Comfortable and Safe." - vision for the Living in Place InstituteHere at Bella Domicile, we are excited to announce that our Lead Sales Designer, Dondi Szombatfalvy, has recently earned her CLIPPTM certification from the Living in Place Institute.Though, if you’re like most people, you’re left thinking, Congratulations! That sounds great. But what on Earth is CLIPPTM?So we’ve put together an overview on what CLIPPTM certification is, how it pertains to kitchen and bath design, and how designing with Living in Place practices can benefit everyone.Living in Place and CLIPPTMLiving in Place refers to the practice of making all homes accessible, comfortable and safe for everyone. Since we are not able to control who lives or enters any home or the future abilities or disabilities of any occupants, Living in Place is about improving the function and conditions of every home, regardless of who currently uses the space.CLIPPTM stands for Certified Living in Place Professional. These are professionals in the industry, from interior designers to appliance manufacturers, who have gone through rigorous coursework and a final exam to demonstrate their knowledge of the course material regarding Living in Place design practices. CLIPPTM is unique from other design programs in that it is not specifically about aging. All people, regardless of age or ability, can benefit from Living in Place design. CLIPPTM also encompasses the entire industry in its approach - what it calls a “total market” approach - as it regards everyone from contractors to medical professionals to product manufacturers as important pieces in the design process.CLIPPTM and Kitchen and Bath DesignDondi says she pursued CLIPPTM certification because “helping people to maintain their dignity and independence by staying in their home [is a] natural extension of what I do as a kitchen and bath designer”. She’s had clients incur injuries and even surgeries due to unsafe environments in their homes. The resulting financial and emotional costs are both significant and unnecessary. The majority of our daily activities in the home (besides sleeping) take place in the kitchen and bath. It’s no coincidence that 60% of all falls happen in the home, and often in these very spaces.Kitchen and bath spaces, which Bella Domicile specializes in, benefit in many ways from Living in Place design practices. Some of the areas Dondi looks at when designing a space include electrical accessibility and safety, lighting and color, the usability of faucets and appliances, the ease of use of cabinetry, entryways, and hallways and walkways. It’s worth noting that Living in Place benefits not only the occupants of the home, but also any visitors.How CLIPPTM Benefits Our ClientsThere are aspects of Living in Place design that Dondi and our other designers have been practicing for years. Some examples are:

  • Eliminating different heights in flooring
  • Providing recommendations for adequate lighting
  • Designing shower spaces with zero thresholds
  • Adding textured shower floors
  • Giving recommendations on appliances such as induction, side or center opening ovens, and drawer microwaves
  • Using low-glare surfaces, especially countertops

Living in Place design thinks through the use of appliances, electronics, and lighting. Designing in this way helps everyone move through their homes with ease. These design practices are intuitive and beautiful - and completely undetectable to the naked eye. Adding a textured tile floor provides a safe grip, a drawer microwave is accessible to everyone, and low glare surfaces help with food preparation. These aren’t overt safety mechanisms. It’s as simple as choosing the best materials and technology possible for everyone to use the space comfortably.We look forward to seeing more from Dondi and all our designers as we work toward integrating more Living in Place practices in our designs.For more information on CLIPPTM and Living in Place, or to schedule a consultation in your own home, contact Bella Domicile to meet with one of our talented designers today! Call (608) 271-8241 or fill out an appointment request form here.

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