Company News
January 27, 2020

Word of the Year

Written by
Bella Domicile Team

“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.” Maya Angelou We’ve started a tradition here at Bella Domicile to kick off the new year. This year, for the second year in a row, we’ve asked each staff member to pick a word to set the tone for the next twelve months. If you scroll through social media, you’ll find this idea has been growing in popularity in recent years — just look for the proliferation of posts tagged with #oneword. It makes sense. The idea of using a word to focus on for the year can actually be more tangible — and much more practical — than a list of resolutions. And unlike a resolution, which is so often tied to one area of life: “drink more water”, “eat more vegetables”, “answer emails in a timely manner”, etc. a single word can encapsulate several aspects of life, all rolled into one simple word. For example, a word like focus can capture each of the resolutions I listed above.

You can focus on drinking more water, which might include something like purchasing a new water bottle. You can focus on eating more vegetables by being more intentional with meal planning and what sides you order at a restaurant. And you can focus on answering emails, by setting aside a dedicated time each day to tackle your inbox. A good word helps to direct your attention in multiple areas of your life. In fact, a good word is flexible and can grow with you throughout the year. But how to pick a word? You can find entire lists of these “words of the year ”through a quick Google search. Yet a list of 100 (or many, many more!) is overwhelming. Here are a few tips that helped our staff choose their own words for the year.

Be yourself.

Think about both who you are and who you want to become. You can even make a list to describe that person. What words would you use to describe them?

Be authentic.

Using an online resource to find a word can be helpful, as long as you keep in mind that this word should resonate and call to you in some way. It can be anything you want it to be. All that matters is that it has some sort of personal meaning that works as a reminder for you throughout the year.

Be honest.

Some people describe having a love/hate relationship with their word. That’s okay. Your word should push and challenge you. Your word and the goals associated with it should also reflect your own season of life. There’s a saying in yoga: “stay on your own mat”. It means to focus on yourself and not on what the people around you are doing. Don’t worry about what others have accomplished or what words they have picked. Stay in tune with your own journey.

Be decisive.

In the end, you do need to choose a word! There’s no right or wrong answer. Some people find it helpful to combine words or find a phrase to help them throughout the year. That’s okay, too! No one is being graded here. Make a list, mull it over, and then pick the word that calls to you.

Be flexible.

It’s just a word. And you will screw up. You’ll order French fries instead of broccoli or push off those emails for days or chug coffee instead of water to get through the day until dinnertime. Oh well. That means you’re human. The beauty of choosing a word is that it’s right there to guide you the next time you’re ready for it, whether that’s in an hour, or tomorrow, or even next month. A few women from the Bella team have been kind enough to share their own words for 2020. Our hope is that these words guide us both within and outside of our workplace. These words will help us work better with our clients, our co-workers, within our own families, and even with ourselves. We hope you join us with your own words for 2020, too! Tasha’s word of the year is self. “That word references different aspects of my life that I would like to focus on, starting now. Self-love, self-awareness, self-discipline. Prioritizing my wants and needs and investing in me as I continue down the path towards my best self.” Tara’s word is simplify. “In order to create the balance I need in my life, I need to Simplify. To achieve this, I need to declutter not only my physical space but also rid myself of toxic people and things. I only want to keep things in my life that bring me the greatest joy and meaning. Which in turn leads to less stress, anxiety and creates a more positive work/life balance.” Abbey’s word is do. “I find there are times in my life that if I would have done something right away it would have caused less issues or stress for me. So I have decided to just ‘DO’ instead of procrastinate in 2020.”Feel free to join our tradition and share your own word of the year with us! You can find us on Facebook and on Instagram. And if this year brings a remodeling or building project into your life, please stop by our showroom or contact Bella Domicile to meet with one of our talented designers today! Call (608) 271-8241 or fill out an appointment request form here.

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